Home field whitetail advantage with Silencer Central Suppressors

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Home field whitetail advantage with Silencer Central Suppressors

Today I’m going to walk you through the three Silencer Central suppressors that I think are the best options for whitetail deer hunters.

Whitetail hunting is something that I was brought up doing and something I will likely do until the day I die. Consider whitetail deer my gateway in to the now obsessive nature of my hunting pursuits. To me, there are very few hunts like whitetail that allow you to establish traditions with friends and family that can last for decades. The barrier to entry for new whitetail hunters is low and it’s typically where most Midwest hunters get their start. I think tradition is what really sets whitetail deer hunting apart from the rest, at least for me.

With new traditions being born every year, 2022 was the year I feel in love with hunting suppressed. If you were on a hunt with me this year, you likely saw me toting around a Savage rifle topped with my Banish 30 Gold. There are so many benefits to hunting suppressed including sound suppression, recoil reduction, increased likelihood of being able to get a follow on shot, and more! I often wonder why anyone would hunt without one.

Now that I’m in love, I’m doing everything in my power to make sure I have the right suppressors for my hunts. This year, I was fortunate enough to go on a number of whitetail hunts and I have curated a few of my favorite suppressors from Silencer Central that every whitetail hunter needs to check out.


1. Banish Backcountry

Banish Backcountry

Banish Backcountry

The latest and greatest from from Silencer Central is sure to turn some heads on your next hunt. The banish Backcountry is Silencer Central’s next evolution, born and bred for the hunters who take weight seriously when packing for a hunt. What make’s this suppressor different from the other Banish Suppressors? To start, it’s the lightest 30 caliber rated suppressor that Silencer Central makes. It’s 2.2 ounces lighter than Banish 30 in it’s 7″ configuration. It’s also short, a full 1.5″ shorter than the banish 30 in its shortest configuration.

There is a lot you can do with this suppressor beyond just hunting. With the universal 1.375″ mount compatibility, this is something you can run on your favorite AR-15 as well. When you look at the Banish Backcountry, you’re looking at a lightweight and functional suppressor that is in my opinion the total package.

Some of the features offered by the Banish Backcountry:

  • Mount Style – Direct thread or universal 1.375′ Muzzle device
  • Sound Reduction – 30 DB
  • Length – 5.5″
  • Diameter – 1.6″
  • Weight – 7.8 ounces
  • Thread Pitch – various
  • Maximum Caliber Rating – 300RUM
  • Full-Auto Rated – No
  • Material – Titanium
  • Finish – Cerekote
Pros/Lightweight, universal and direct thread mounts, ample sound reduction, compact
Cons/Does not come with a 1.375" universal mount
Bottom Line/When ounces matter, the Banish Backcountry will not let you down!

2. Banish 30 Gold

Banish 30 Gold

Banish 30 Gold

The Banish 30 Gold has turned in to my bread and butter suppressor. When I’m packing for a hunt, I know without a doubt that the Banish 30 Gold will not only make it on my gear list, but will more than likely be my go to suppressor for my hunt. I’ve had absolutely incredible success when using the Banish 30 Gold over the last 12 months and I have personally harvested bison, whitetail, alligator, mule deer, caribou, nilgai, and dall sheep with this suppressor. I also used the Banish 30 Gold when stretching a 6.5 Creedmoor bolt gun beyond 1,000 yards with ease.

The Banish 30 Gold is my go to utility player and one of my favorite suppressors made by Silencer Central. It has the perfect combination of functionality and appeal to find its way consistently to the top of my packing list.

Some of the features offered by the Banish 30 Gold:

  • Quick detach with w included muzzle breaks
  • Sound Reduction – 36 DB
  • Length – 8.2″
  • Diameter – 1.593″
  • Weight – 13.2 ounces
  • Thread Pitch – 1/2X28 or 5/8X24
  • Maximum Caliber Rating – 300RUM
  • Full-Auto Rated – Yes
  • Material – Titanium
  • Finish – Cerekote
Pros/Quickly detachable, muzzle break mounted, great sound suppression, full auto rated, 30 caliber rated
Cons/Cannot be reduced in size similar to the Banish 30
Bottom Line/This is hands down the most used suppressor in my arsenal and is worth it's weight in gold...Banish Gold!

3. Banish 46

Banish 46

Banish 46

The Banish 46 has a special place in my line up because of where I live. Here in my home State of Michigan, we can only hunt with straight walled pistol caliber ammunition below the rifle line. With that restriction, my go to round is the .450 Bushmaster. I’ve harvested enough whitetail deer with my .450 to trust it’s performance when it counts. The Banish 46 fills the void for me that a 30 caliber suppresser cannot. I enjoy having a dedicated suppressor for my .450 Bushmaster and use it as often as I can!

Some of the features offered by the Banish 46:

  • Mount Style – Direct thread or muzzle break
  • Sound Reduction – 34.5 DB
  • Length – 7.9″ or 10″
  • Diameter – 1.73″
  • Weight – 16.3 ounces or 20.4 ounces
  • Thread Pitch – Direct thread or muzzle break
  • Maximum Caliber Rating – .338 Lapua and .45-70 Government
  • Full-Auto Rated – Yes
  • Material – Titanium
  • Finish – Gun Kote
Pros/Rated for high pressure calibers such as the .338 Lapua, titanium construction, user serviceable, user configurable sizes
Bottom Line/If you shoot the big calibers, you need a big suppressor and they Banish 46 will do the job and then some!
Avatar Author ID 632 - 187865307

Andy has been a lifelong Outdoorsman and has hunted and fished all over the world but his home state of Michigan is near and dear to his heart. He grew up fishing the Great Lakes and mostly hunted waterfowl and small game until his teenage years when he quickly became an avid big game hunter. He has hunted North America from the northernmost parts of Alaska to the southernmost parts of Florida and everywhere in between. When he is not hunting or fishing he is coaching travel softball and watching his two daughters play the sports they love.

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